Saturday, April 17, 2010

An homage to meals eaten

A little dedication on my kitchen wall composed of unused vegetable scraps from previous meals.  From top to bottom:  a tomato vine; garlic skin; parsnip crown.

As soon as I find a few more small frames at the thrift shop I'll add a few more ingredients.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Make an image a day : second 30 days : more self portraits

I've heard it takes 60 days to make a routine into an unconscious habit. That means I should be in the habit now. I'll admit, making an image a day is harder than I thought it would be. Some days, I'm just not in the mood.

In any case, I'm getting a hang of this color thing a little more each day.

But I think I want to lay off the self-portraits. It's served its purpose to as a vehicle for jokes, experiments, and day dreams.   So on to new images.

Click HERE for slide show + press F11 for full screen.