Below are photos + videos of Ensemblage, a gallery I curated and agonized-over for the 2010 Milwaukee Avenue Arts Festival in Logan Square, Chicago [earlier posts labeled "Ensemblage at MAAF" record some of the process of curating, organizing, and marketing the show and detail all the artists included]. Ensemblage was up for three days of art, music, dance,
theatre, painting, film, spoken word, and generally raucous fun. Epic win.
Furious Frank acoustic set with Lady Jack July 23, 2010
"Silent Negotiations," by Susan Kwon, installation video in women's restroom
Installation videos by Milan Bobysud in men's restroom (shared with d-x art potter)
Unusual musical instrument jam session, sponsored by Pumping Station One and open to public participation July 24, 2010
Film screenings
Left: "The Pink Hotel," a film by Chris Hefner
Right: "Silent Negotiations," a video installation by Susan Kwon
Screening of "Astrolux" + live performance by Evet Socrates July 24, 2010