Wednesday, July 7, 2010

First Draft...hanging object art

This is the first, incomplete version of the art layout for the show.  I'm posting it, first off, to give you an idea of how I'm thinking of hanging your work and how many, second to give you idea of how much space the venue really has, third to have something to work with when I discuss logistics with many of you over the next couple days.

There are two types of images for each one.  The first small flat, graphic version is as close to scale as I practically can get.  The pink lady is about 5ft 7 inches, for reference.  Those images you an idea of how much or little space we have if we want to add more works.  

The second photographic version gives to a better sense of what it will look like installed and what obstacles on the walls we have to work around.  These images aren't really scale and are distorted a bit.  Even so, they work pretty well for their purpose.

Left wall:

Back Wall:

Right wall:

Back hall, left & back:

Back hall, right:

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